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通过野外地质调查及室内综合研究,分析了关中盆地浅层地热能的开发利用情况、赋存特征和形成模式,并对资源量进行了估算,总结了盆地不同地貌单元、不同岩性的岩土体热物性参数特征,计算了区域恒温带深度和浅层大地热流值。关中盆地地热能的形成模式主要为热传导型和热对流型: 热传导型地热资源主要分布于西安凹陷、固市凹陷等完整地质块体内; 热对流型地热资源主要分布于深大断裂直接沟通地表的区域以及断裂带周边区域。采用层次分析法对关中盆地浅层地热能进行适宜性分区,认为关中盆地整体属于地埋管地源热泵系统适宜区或较适宜区,地下水地源热泵系统适宜区和较适宜区主要分布在盆地中部漫滩区和阶地区。利用热储法,计算关中盆地浅层地热能热容量为1.38×1016 kJ/℃,浅层地热能储量巨大,开发利用前景优良。  相似文献   
根据结构试验理论和实验设备的特征,阐述了结构抗震试验的特点及发展,重点分析了子结构拟动力试验方法的原理、数值积分算法、加载方式和误差控制;振动台子结构试验的原理、研究成果;实时子结构的原理和时滞等混合试验方法的基本理论,以及大型通用有限元软件及远程协同试验方法在混合试验中的应用。基于各种试验方法的优势与发展,总结出混合试验技术未来的发展方向。  相似文献   
深海钻探通常采用无隔水管开路钻进,当更换钻头或钻具,测井、处理孔内事故等情况时,需要起下钻后重新进入原钻孔,此过程称为重入钻孔。由于钻探船与海底孔口有数千米的水体相隔,受海浪和洋流作用,钻探船动荡不稳,钻杆柱摇摆不定,要想重新进入原钻孔并非易事。本文通过广泛调研,对海底基盘、声呐重入系统、水下电视重入系统及无人遥控潜水器(ROV)等目前几种常见的重入钻孔技术进行了详细介绍,对各种技术的优缺点进行了综合对比,优选了水下电视重入系统作为我国深海钻探重入钻孔技术方案,初步提出了技术设计思路,为样机研发和工艺制定奠定了基础。  相似文献   
文章介绍了国外海堤生态化建设技术的研究进展,包括海堤结构改造和绿植化研究,其中,海堤结构改造包括建造阶梯式海堤、海堤表面微栖息地改造、建造栖息地长凳、模拟岩石栖息地和海堤绿植化等。国外主要对海堤表面生境进行修复,国内研究则集中在海堤生态化建设的工程技术和采用生态护坡材料对传统海堤进行改造上。在结合海堤生态化相关研究的基础上,对我国海堤生态化建设提出了完善海堤生态化建设技术规范体系、加强海堤生态化关键技术研究、开展海堤生态化适宜性分析和生态化后监管系统等建议。  相似文献   

Based on a new elasto-plastic constitutive model, this paper presents a soil–water coupled numerical prediction of the bearing capacity for shallow foundation constructed on Ballina soft clay for unconsolidated undrained (UU) and consolidated undrained (CU) conditions. This elasto-plastic constitutive Shanghai model has an advantage of describing the mechanical behaviour of over-consolidated and structured soil under different loading and drainage conditions, by using one set of material parameter. In this paper, the Shanghai model used for both UU and CU conditions has the same initial parameters obtained from laboratory test results. The loading conditions and consolidation stages vary based on construction details. The predicted bearing pressure-settlement responses for UU and CU, approves the field observation. The phenomenon of gaining the bearing capacity due to consolidation is captured and explained by the use of soil–water coupled numerical analysis with a new elasto-plastic model. The stress strain behaviour, stress paths and the decay of the structure of elements at different depths presented in this study, reveal the mechanism for the difference between UU and CU conditions to understand the foundation behaviour. Effect of the initial degree of soil structure on the bearing capacity is also addressed. Overall, this approach provides the integrated solution for the shallow foundation design problems under short and long-term loadings.  相似文献   
我国约有1.1万个海岛,多处于地震活跃带,地震灾害特征明显,目前地震领域研究主要针对城市展开,海岛地震灾害风险的研究较少。此背景下,该研究收集了海岛地震相关的地质和地震数据,形成海岛地震灾害空间数据库;从地震危险性、承灾体易损性和防震减灾能力3个方面构建海岛地震灾害风险评价指标体系;利用ArcGIS空间分析技术,采用熵权法与AHP法相结合建立海岛地震灾害风险综合评价模型,以长岛县、洞头区和东山县为例进行分析,并将海岛地震灾害风险等级划分为4个等级。结果显示:东山县为地震灾害高风险区,洞头区和长岛县为地震灾害较低风险区。该研究对海岛工程抗震规划与设计有重要意义。  相似文献   
This article explores refugee economic subjectivity in the context of restrictive asylum policies and disrupted transnational family lives. Drawing on fieldwork with young Syrian refugees pursuing IT training in Jordan, I focus on the “coding boot camp,” an emerging educational format in the field of refugee professional training. I thus explore how Syrian youths approach humanitarian policies in which, in the absence of full social and economic rights for refugees, the question of livelihoods is addressed through the paradigms of self‐reliance, creativity, and innovation. Reframing the refugee from a “protected” to a “productive” subject, and offering individual solutions to a structural economic impasse, these policies produce tensions between individual responsibilities and more‐than‐individual relations and identifications—with families, religious identities, and national communities—that remain unresolved. The findings contribute to geographical scholarship on economic subjectivity, familial relations, and the migrant and refugee condition, while shedding light on some of the effects of the encounter between technology‐centred, neoliberal approaches to humanitarianism and restrictive migration regimes in responses to the Syrian displacement.  相似文献   
A closed-form wave equation analytic solution of two-dimensional scattering and diffraction of outof-plane(SH) waves by an almost semi-circular shallow cylindrical hill on a flat, elastic and homogeneous half space is proposed by applying the discrete Fourier series expansions of sine and cosine functions. The semi-circular hill problem is discussed as a special case for the new formulated equation.Compared with the previous semi-circular cases solutions, the present method can give surface displacement amplitudes which agrees well with previous results. Although the proposed equation can only solve the problem of SH-waves diffracted by almost semi-circular shallow hills, the stress and displacement residual amplitudes are numerical insignificantly everywhere. Moreover, the influences of the depth-towidth ratio(a parameter defined in this paper to evaluate the shallowness of the topography of hills) on ground motions are presented and summarized. The limitations and errors of truncation from Graf's addition theorem and Fourier series equations in the present paper are also discussed.  相似文献   
Regular surveys of coastal zone seabed deliver important information about geomorphologic processes such as silting of waterways. The recent introduction of the Sentinel series of sensors has allowed for the use of satellite sensing for shallow bathymetry morphology monitoring. In this context, this article presents a dedicated Geographic Information System for Baltic Sea shallow water depth monitoring on the basis of Sentinel-2 imagery. The system employs Geovisual Analytics for differential analysis of bathymetry changes as well as monitoring the visibility of known wrecks in the coastal waters of Southern Baltic Sea. Results are verified with regard to known changes in shallow water bathymetry between 28 June 2015 and 3 March 2017.  相似文献   
Polynomial chaos expansions (PCEs) have been widely employed to estimate failure probabilities in geotechnical engineering. However, PCEs suffer from two deficiencies: (a) PCE coefficients are solved by the least-square minimization method which easily causes overfitting issues; (b) building a high order PCE is often computationally expensive. In order to overcome the aforementioned drawbacks, the Bayesian regression technique is employed to evaluate PCE coefficients, which not only provides a sparse solution but also avoids overfitting. With the aid of the predictive means and variances given by Bayesian analysis, a learning function is proposed to sequentially select the most informative samples that are critical to build a PCE. This sequential learning scheme can highly enhance the computational efficiency of PCEs. Besides, importance sampling (IS) is incorporated into the sequential learning (SL)-PCEs to deal with geotechnical problems with small failure probabilities. The proposed method of SL-PCE-IS is applied to three illustrative examples, which shows that the improved PCE method is more effective and efficient than the common PCEs method, leading to accurate estimations of small failure probabilities using fewer training samples.  相似文献   
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